Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28th- September 1st

K-3 News
Week of August 28th - Sept. 1st

Upcoming Events:
August 30th- School Pictures (Students must wear school uniforms)
Mini cheer and Lil’ Rebel forms and money must be turned in by September 1st!!
Learning Adventures for the Week:
This week we will continue with our theme, I’m Me! Fantastic.  We will focus on our five senses and body parts.  We will also continue to talk about our feelings and proper ways to express them.
If you have not sent in your family picture yet, please do so as soon as possible.  We will also display them in our room for the remainder of the year.
Reminder- pillowcases and blankets will come home every Friday. Please wash over the weekend and return them on Monday!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Week of August 14-18

I am so excited about our first full week of school!  This week your student will be learning about classroom procedures such as raising hands when we need to ask a question, proper bathroom behaviors, lining up and walking quietly in a line.

 We will also be introduced to many new things within our classroom.  We will talk about the proper way to hold scissors, how much glue we should use, and how we will take care of our crayons.

Please put the following dates on your calendar.
Wednesday. August 16th- parent's meeting at 7 pm
Tuesday, October 31st- Halloween celebration

I look forward to getting to know each of your children this school year.  Please feel free to contact me by text 843-726-1121 or email trish_bryan8297@hotmail if have any questions or concerns.