Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 14-18

This week we will be learning about Spring.  We will celebrate St. Patrick's day on Thursday.  Students may wear jeans and a green shirt.  Don't forget to send in your green food item to share with the class.  We will play games and make a fun shamrock craft also.

Our letter of the week is "X" and our number is 9.

Report cards will go home on Thursday.  Parents will keep the report card.  Please sign the envelope and return as quickly as possible.

Permission slips for our Easter Party are due by Tuesday, March 22nd. If any parent can help hide eggs or set up, please send in a note and let me know.

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7- 11

This week our theme is Nursery Rhymes.  We will be learning nursery rhymes, as well as, doing crafts and experiments relating to them.  Our letter for the week is "W' and our number of the week is 8.

On Thursday, we will take a field trip to the Kazoo Factory in Beaufort.  After visiting the factory, we will have a picnic lunch and then go to Bruster's for a yummy treat!

There is a Spring Gala meeting tonight in the library at 6!  Anyone willing to help with this event is encouraged to attend.

Dates to Remember:\

March 17th- Students may wear jeans and a green shirt to school.  Each child also needs to bring a green food item to share with their class.

March 24th- Easter Party at Arthur McDonald's home

March 25th- 28th- Easter Weekend

Please go ahead and mark your calendars for Friday, May 6th.  This will be our Mother's Day Breakfast and Dad's Day lunch.  This is a fun day that you don't want to miss!!